Close-up Photo of Green Leaves

Lauren Ann Mind-Body Wellness

Lauren Ann Mind-Body Wellness

  • Functional & Integrative Medicine
    • Medical Writing, Marketing & Copywriting
    • Clinical Health Education
    • Individual Consulting

A credentialed, experienced and passionate medical writer, clinician and researcher

    • Expertise in Functional & Integrative Medicine
    • Licensed Therapist
    • Board Certified Functional Nutritionist
    • Honors Research Thesis Dissertation
    • Trauma Focused, Trained in Biofeedback

Lauren is a functional nutritionist (CNS) and licensed therapist (LCSW) who takes an integrative and functional approach to mental and physical health.

Lauren received her undergraduate degree in Honors Psychology from Rhode Island College, as well as her masters in Psychotherapy. She also has a masters of science in Human Nutrition from The University of Bridgeport.

Lauren has worked with children and adults with various mental health and co-occurring physical health conditions in inpatient and outpatient settings.

She is passionate about promoting awareness of addressing physical and mental illnesses from a root cause perspective.

Lauren recognizes the dynamic interplay amongst genetics, biochemical individuality, psycho-social and neurobiological factors – including alterations in regulating signals between the body and mind– in influencing etiology.

She has worked as a clinician, researcher, and medical writer in the Integrative and Functional Medicine field.

Overview of Content Services:

  • Medical Writing & Reviewing
  • Research Analysis
  • Functional Medicine Lab Testing
  • Nutraceuticals & Biotechnology
    • Informing & Health Marketing Purposes
  • Clinical Health Education for Practitioners
    • Webinars
    • Lectures
  • Wellness Presentations for Public
  • Digital Health Clinical Content
    • Blogs, Research Articles
    • White Papers
    • Health/Science Marketing, Copywriting
  • Curriculum & Content Development
    • Mental Health
    • Functional & Integrative Medicine
    • Trauma Focused

Close-up Photo of Green Leaves

Overview of Consulting Services:

  • Personalized Nutrition & Lifestyle Recommendations
    • Professional Supplement Recommendations
    • Functional Lab Testing Recommendations & Interpretation
    • Psycho-education on Functional Nutrition and Lifestyle Practices for the following
      • Chronic Fatigue
      • Stress & Nervous System Dysregulation
      • Mental Health
      • Metabolic Health
      • Digestive & GI Health
      • Hormonal Health
      • Autoimmune Health
      • Substance Abuse and Recovery
      • Autism
      • ADHD
      • Disordered Eating

Please note that consults serve the purpose of informing, empowering and guiding.

Consults are not in lieu of medical advice or mental health treatment.

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What is Functional & Integrative Medicine?

  • Functional & Integrative Medicine take into account the interconnectedness of the body's systems and the mind.

  • Describes how our environment, responses to our environment, and beliefs affect our unique biochemical make-up giving rise to core clinical imbalances that are expressed as malfunctions within the physiology of the body and psychology of the mind.

Pink Flowers With Sunlight
Roots Of A Tree
Fresh HealthY Vegetables
Meditating Guru Illustration
Sunset on Rain-forest
  • Functional Medicine relies heavily on laboratory tests for identifying nutritional, biochemical and metabolic imbalances underlying symptoms.
    • Nutrition is regarded is bio-individual.

  • Integrative Medicine recognizes the many factors that influence well-being including trauma, attachments, adverse childhood experiences, in addition to nutrition and lifestyle factors.

Subset of Writing Samples

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Green Plants


Close-up Photo of Green Leaves
Close-up Photo of Green Leaves
Close-up Photo of Green Leaves
Close-up Photo of Green Leaves
Close-up Photo of Green Leaves

Interested in working together?

Email me with your inquiry at

Red Rose Flowers Bouquet on White Surface Beside Spring Book With Click Pen and Cup of Cofffee